Well life.
Mindfulness & Wellbeing.
Director of Wellbeing, Jerusha Shulberg is also co-founder and co-director of our CALM Programme. Jerusha + her team offers a blend of complementary support - like nootropics, meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, yoga, cognitive training and more.
Learn to meditate.
During the course, you will gain knowledge, tools and techniques essential for understanding and establishing your ability to function as a mindful human being.
Corporate Wellbeing & Wellness
Contented, relaxed employees make a far better contribution to team dynamics. We help businesses to weigh in on the wellbeing of their people.
Know your truest self.
The mind is like the engine of our humanity. It drives our connection with life and influences a sense of belonging and a feeling of living with purpose and meaning.
Guided meditation.
We spend most of our lives doing, living in the past and thinking in the future. By giving yourself, your mind and body permission to simply be, you create the space in which you become aware in life’s most present moment.
Well Mind Training & Testing
Ever have those Mondays when you can’t quite recall things you did over the weekend? Or struggle to remember someone’s name during a conversation, in a distracting environment? Maybe you plan your errands but find it impossible to complete them without a list?
Meditation & Yoga
A wealth of evidence has shown that mindfulness, meditation, and yoga practice can influence cognitive function, immune response and even gene expression!
Diagnosing and treating hearing loss is only part of the complete package. Other kinds of ‘top-down’ complementary support are just as important. Beneficial to all who wish to elevate their wellbeing.
Here is an outline of how this might work. There are 3- 4 initial online sessions depending on the intensity of the programme. Session 5 is relevant to those who have a strong cognitive training emphasis in their CALM programme and are due to complete an online training course. Each session is approx. 75mins long.
£1152 (Including VAT)
As you know, hearing is a sense. Our ears deliver sound to the brain where we process and apply meaning to sound. Hearing technology assists the ears in delivering sound to the brain. We call this 'bottom-up' support.
How we engage with acoustic information with or without hearing loss is a function of the brain. Let's call this 'top-down'. There are so many things that will affect these functions and our capacity to apply these effectively in daily life.
In recent years and across the entire field of hearing healthcare, the importance of having a comprehensive and integrated approach to treating hearing, tinnitus and balance disorders has become more evident. This includes support for cognitive, emotional and mental wellbeing. This is what our CALM programme aims to achieve.CALM is a programme that provides ‘top-down' support for people experiencing reduced hearing ability, tinnitus, balance disorders, anxiety and unhealthy stress.
It is also applicable to people without hearing loss who want to learn how to destress and protect and strengthen their cognitive wellbeing.
Learning a technique is easy. The harder part is integrating it into daily life and forming a fluent new habit. In light of this, once the sessions are complete, there is a self-practice and integration period which is supported remotely for 3 weeks. This will consist of a weekly ‘check in’ and guidance over video call over a 3 week period. Each ‘check in’ is 20 mins long.
The aim of the integration period is to help you to become self-sufficient in your personal practice.
If you are also completing cognitive training, this will commence after the 30 day integration period.Click here to learn more about cognitive training.
CALM : Cognitive Education and Training | Audiological Awareness | Lifestyle Strategies | Mindfulness & Meditation
Learn to meditate.
Benefits of learning to meditate:
1.Deep rest, recovery from fatigue and stress and enhanced present moment awareness.
2.Increased self-confidence and capacity to meet challenges and demands with a creative, rather than a reactive perspective.
3. Better adaptability to unmet expectations. Recovery from unmet expectations with greater ease.
4. Cessation of ignorance enables us to embrace the reality of what's going on more easily.
Participants benefit the most when sessions are completed over 3 consecutive days.
No previous experience required
Relevant as one-to-one or this can be adapted to a group format and corporate settings - max 8 participants.
During the course, you will gain knowledge, tools and techniques essential for understanding and establishing your ability to function as a mindful human being.
During the course, you will gain knowledge, tools and techniques essential for understanding and establishing your ability to function as a mindful human being.
You’ll receive instruction on how to practice accessible, agnostic and effortless meditation techniques which help you to (re)establish your underlying self-awareness.
The techniques are easy to learn, simple to practice and relevant to modern living. People who practice them feel the benefits almost immediately.
While learning how to meditate, you’ll experience deep rest and recovery from stress while also cultivating high levels of mental and emotional capability. You’ll also gain a solid practical and theoretical understanding of how these techniques work through your direct experience.
The knowledge gained from just 3 x 75 min sessions will help purify the nervous system and enable you to awaken the full potential of your mind, transforming your relationship with yourself and others.
During this process of cultivating greater self-awareness, you’ll discover the important role that meditation plays in awakening our ability to adapt to change gracefully and live as effective, intelligent, connected and compassionate human beings.
3 x 75 minute sessions
£450 per human
(Including VAT)

We spend most of our lives doing, living in the past and thinking in the future. By giving yourself, your mind and body permission to simply be, you create the space in which you become aware in life’s most present moment. A moment to be free, to be at peace. To purely and simply be. The meditation is guided with instruction.
Guided meditation.
Deep rest & recovery - 30 mins
This meditation is perfect for anyone feeling stressed and or fatigued. The gentle and effortless technique will trigger deep rest in the body and expansion of your awareness.
The technique utilises a powerful sequence of instructions that cause spontaneous de-excitation of the nervous system. The meditation is guided with instruction.
1-on-1 or Group (max 8)
£90 per person (Including VAT))
Relevant as one-to-one or this can be adapted to a group format and corporate settings - max 8 participants.
Loving Kindness
This practice is about slowing things down, being gentle, being kind to yourself.
It’s about the opposite of doing. It’s about just being.
We spend most of our lives doing, living in the past and thinking in the future. By giving yourself, your mind and body permission to simply be, you create the space in which you become aware in life’s most present moment. A moment to be free, to be at peace. To purely and simply be. The meditation is guided with instruction.
1-on-1 or Group (max 8)
£90 per person (Including VAT)
Know your truest self.
Participants benefit the most when sessions are completed over consecutive days.
Can be delivered online or in person
No previous experience required
Relevant as one-to-one and can be adapted for couples
4 x 90 minute sessions with 4 week IRL integration
(Including VAT)
4 session course with online integration support - total of 4 weeks
3 consecutive sessions (90 mins per session)
Self-practice and integration into daily life with 1 scheduled online ‘check in’ (20 mins)
Self-practice and integration into daily life with 1 scheduled online ‘check in’ (20 mins)
Final guided session 4 (90 mins)
Our minds are like the engines of our humanity. It drives our connection with life and influences a sense of belonging and a feeling of living with purpose and meaning. But we are also confronted with a society that conditions us to exist and function from a place of fear, doubt and disconnection. A society in which living day to day, in a state of high stress is normal. This is not okay! Stress is an obstruction in the natural flow of our capacity to live a life that is fulfilling, meaningful & connected.
Within each of us is an untapped ability to create the change we desire in our lives. This change not only benefits us personally, but everyone around us – by allowing all of us to break through our toxic beliefs and conditioning, we establish a relationship with our truest selves and life begins to free flow. The key to unlocking our true self starts by looking inward. This course teaches you how.Learning how during the course is easy. The difficult part is integrating it into daily life and forming a fluent new habit. In light of this, once the sessions are complete, there is a self-practice and integration period which is supported remotely for 4 weeks. This will consist of weekly ‘check in’ and guidance over video call or e-mail over a 4 week period. These are 15-20 mins long.