Cognition Friendly Hearing Aids
One of the goals of our hearing rehabilitation is to provide natural and excellent sound quality to reduce the amount of energy our client's use in any listening situation. We provide hearing solutions that help you make intuitive sense of your surroundings whilst improving your hearing AND understanding. Multiple strategies are used in our hearing aids to achieve the most natural hearing possible giving your brain more of the sounds it can easily recognize and process. 2 examples are: Spatial Sound 2.0 helps you organise sounds, know where they come from and make sense of your surroundings. You will be able to select the person or sound source you want to listen to, and ignore those you don't.Speech Guard dramatically improves your ability to follow conversations in complex environments. A person's voice is as individual as the person themselves and Speech Guard preserves many of the subtle characteristics such as the particular pitch and tonality or the way syllables are stressed. This means that, even when there are many sounds in the background it will be easier for you to select and follow the voice you wish, and even to switch attention from one person to another. Speech Guard also eliminates sudden noises, like the slamming of a car door or someone chopping vegetables in the kitchen.