Cubex Weekly TIP // A new drug is in development that may be able to restore hearing loss.
This week Mr Adam Shulberg, MD and Senior Audiologist of Cubex, talks to Cubex Audiologist and honorary lecturer at the UCL Ear Institute, Dr Saima Rajasingam, about a new clinical trial looking at treatment that may improve hearing.The trial, known as REGAIN, is being carried out by the UCL Ear Institute and looks at treating hearing loss by re-growing hair cells using a drug called a Gamma Secretase Inhibitor. The REGAIN study aims to test how safe the drug is and if it affects the ability to hear and is currently open to participants in the UK
As we age, we experience damage to or loss of these sensory hair cells resulting in a permanent sensory neural hearing loss.
Dr Saima Rajasingam Clinical Audiologist, Cubex
Hair cells in the inner ear are responsible for detecting sound and 90% of hearing loss is caused by damage to these hair cells or the auditory nerve cells.The assumption has long been that his type of hearing loss, known as sensorineural hearing loss is irreversible. However, recent studies in animals with hearing loss have shown that new and functioning inner ear hair cells can be generated using a Gamma Secretase Inhibitor that is locally applied to the ear.Watch this week’s TIP to learn more about the REGAIN trial and how to get involved in testing the safety of the drug.
REGAIN - an opportunity for people with hearing loss to take part in a clinical trialThe REGAIN trial tests the safety of a drug called the Gamma Secretase Inhibitor in patients with hearing loss and whether it improves hearing.The clinical trial is currently being carried out at The Royal National Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital in London and the team of expert clinicians are looking for people aged 18-80 years with mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss of less than 10 years duration, who are either using or have been previously offered hearing aid technology, to take part in this safety study.If you experience sensorineural hearing loss and would like to take part in this potentially ground breaking clinical trial get in touch today.